I don’t know how
I got it in my head
If it was something I heard
Or something I read
Or all the glossy pictures
In the magazines
That convinced me
I had to be
So pretty
And perfect
So happy that
My cheeks hurt
Well screw that
Cause I’ve learned
The most important thing
I get to be me
Regardless of my company
I won’t change a thing
To make you think
That I’m more
Than what you see
I choose
And embracing
If you’ve got a freak flag?
I say fly it
If you’re different?
Then don’t hide it
The world’s got enough
Putting on a show
It’s too exhausting
And soul-sucking
Pretending to be
Something you’re not
If you were born
Awkward or skinny?
Own it
Then move on
Look inside yourself
And cultivate
And peace
Fill your mind
With knowledge
Seek out similarities
Anyone can be cynical
Just like gossip it’s
A short-term fix
An attempt to create
A bond with someone
And avoid discovering
What your true purpose is
So be bold
And brave
And wave your freak flag
Mine is fucking huge
And don’t waste time
Trying to be pretty
Or perfect
Whatever you do
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